gs 代替不可能なトークン

From streets to digital, stickers meet NFTs.

"Stickers disappear, NFTs don't!"

Someone says that digital is ephemeral! Is there something real around you? Watch carefully! You are in a world founded on illusion, synthetic emotions in the form of pills, psychological warfare in the form of advertising, brainwashing in the form of mass media. We all live in controlled and isolated glass bubbles in the form of social networks as we attempt to dump the growing garbage of the human condition. Hardware suffers from obsolescence, but distributed and decentralized networks do not.


Banksy said: "The Art we look at is made by only a select few. A small group create, promote, purchase, exhibit and decide the success of Art. Only a few hundred people in the world have any real say. When you go to an Art gallery you are simply a tourist looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires". Here, this is what is happening with cryptoart on Ethereum: with its long-term unsustainability as well as the complexity faced by those who approach this new world,  it has become a game for a few rich people! This is why I chose SIGNArt, developed on waves protocol, a technology designed for everyone with minimal transaction costs and which provides virtual accounts easily and for everyone, like many developing unbanked populations as witnessed by the Waves Africa community.


Many people only see speculation in NFTs... there are tons of decentralized applications, still many to discover... but actually thanks to NFTs any of us can deliver our ideas to eternity: you can digitally sign your artwork or documents on a certain date, but your own self, thanks to the non-fungile tokens and not relying on the centralized system of intellectual property. Furthermore it is also an excellent system to self-finance your projects or your art, without having to depend on systems such as banks or Paypal, which very often block donation accounts when they do not comply with their arbitrary rules, in fact, robbing you of your money: with cryptocurrencies and decentralized Marketplace, like SIGN Art, this cannot happen.


Nevertheless there is more, all this was made possible by an innovative technology, known as blockchain, which allowed for the first in history to solve the problem of Byzantine generals in the digital world: Bitcoin. The era of humanity liberated by masters who actively governs itself without delegating is getting closer and closer. Decentralize the power!

Just like with the sticker missions, the proceeds from the NFTs will be used to carry out the same campaign from which it originated. Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, everyone is transformed in our work so that the Spirit prevails and there is peace (or at least less negative affectivity) on earth. We want art, freedom and science for all human beings!

All my NFT artworks, divided by artistic eras:



Postmodern Melancholy

Study [1/3] on the human condition and psychic suffering in postmodernity. I recreated a face by taking small physiognomic, physiological and aesthetic details of characters that I considered significant for the condition of our time after the profound multidimensional crisis that hit the world in the twentieth century. The characters I was inspired by will never be revealed, as a symbol of that "search for meaning" that we have lost under the nihilistic cult of consumption.

Neocinic Melancholy

Study [2/3] on the human condition and psychic suffering in postmodernity. I recreated a face by taking small physiognomic, physiological and aesthetic details of characters that I considered significant for the condition of our time after the profound multidimensional crisis that hit the world in the twentieth century. The characters I was inspired by will never be revealed, as a symbol of that "search for meaning" that we have lost under the nihilistic cult of consumption.

Black Kòsmos

Study [3/3] on the human condition and psychic suffering in postmodernity. I recreated a face by taking small physiognomic, physiological and aesthetic details of characters that I considered significant for the condition of our time after the profound multidimensional crisis that hit the world in the twentieth century. The characters I was inspired by will never be revealed, as a symbol of that "search for meaning" that we have lost under the nihilistic cult of consumption.

Postmodern Humanity

Representation of the economic and psychic paralysis of the exhausted world under the perfidious general Covid-19, which has only accentuated the contradictions of postmodernity already deeply affected by a global dimensional crisis: the "subject" reduced to "object". Inhibited and melancholy humanity. Nature regaining its spaces. Surveillance capitalism advancing incessantly. Paralyzing ice!

w a w e s GAMG


Godsha Nakamov

He is Godsha Nakamov.

Emperor of a parallel virtual universe. A world where all souls can live in the form of "Hologram Duck" each in its uniqueness. This world is accessible to everyone, and to access it you just need to simply concentrate and run a node in your pineal gland: 1 PG = 1 VOTE. Mind you though, this is a benevolent emperor who has no life or death power over the holograms, community is all that matters!

WW Satangpeng Zhao

He is WW Satangpeng Zhao. The "White Wotan" who attempts to attract the riches of the earthlings, in his space-dimensional exchange. The poor unfortunates do not know that they will no longer be able to escape from his clutches, without first showing a pass that he himself issues. He attracts customers from all over the galaxy and charms them with fantastic rewards, so much so that the hypnotized prey in turn attracts other friends by tricking them with succulent space-dimensional links. But that's not enough for him, he is rumored to be trying to take over the "Universe of hologram ducks". If you see him, don't make eye contact with him... he's very dangerous! Run away!

John McGalaxee

He is John McGalaxee.

Legend has it that he was first arrested as a child for smuggling counterfeit hologram ducks. Since that moment he has stayed in almost all the prisons in the galaxy: he doesn't have time to go out, he has already gotten into trouble. But John is able to sell you an armed spaceship that you will never use with a simple tweet: shilling master!

Zelon Mufk

He is Zelon Mufk.

A guy with a lot of money trying to discover the secret of the "Hologram Ducks" universe. This is the most famous quote from him: << Who controls the Hologram Ducks, controls the world >>.


xW 01 - Eden

First Landscape of the xWAVEScape SERIES.

*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo

xW 02 - Rainforest

Landscape 02 of the xWAVEScape SERIES.

*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo

xW 03 - Steppe

Landscape 02 of the xWAVEScape SERIES.


*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo

xW 04 - Farmhouse

Landscape 04 of the xWAVEScape SERIES.


*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo

xW 05 - Mistral

Landscape 05 of the xWAVEScape SERIES.

*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo

xW 06 - Dolomites

Landscape 06 of the xWAVEScape SERIES.

*Collection of 11 Landscapes inspired by the $WAVES logo